As a seasoned MEDIUM and ENERGY MEDICINE HEALER that has guided more than 10K+ clients,  HARMONY HOLISTIC is a spiritual health and wellness coaching program that offers a unique blend of MEDIUMSHIP, HYPNOTHERAPY, INTEGRATIVE HEALTH COACHING, and ENERGY MEDICINE HEALING designed to guide you towards profound healing and spiritual awakening to help you reset your life and step into greater abundance.

Join the Path to Deep Healing and Unlocking your Power





Transform, Heal, and Ascend: Your Path to Abundance and Holistic Wellness.

Personalized Support

Tailored specifically to the client’s needs, focusing on areas like trauma healing, subconscious reprogramming, stress reduction, and personal development.

One-on-One Coaching

Offers guidance, support, and accountability, ensuring clients stay on track and maximize their progress.

Personalized Wellness Plan

From food choices and exercise to mindfulness practices and self-care rituals, every aspect of your plan is designed to support your journey to a healthier, more harmonious life

From Stress to Serenity

Pave the Way to New Timelines of Possibility

 Are you carrying the weight of unresolved emotions and unexplored parts of your soul? Many of us navigate through life with the burden of past traumas, unhealed wounds, and unanswered questions that cloud our happiness and potential. This unaddressed pain can manifest as persistent anxiety, a sense of being stuck, or a feeling of disconnection from our true selves. It's not just about coping with everyday stress; it's about confronting those deep-seated fears and long-standing issues that prevent you from living a life of true freedom and fulfillment.

You deserve to heal the hidden scars and unlock the boundless potential of your soul.

Embark on an odyssey of inner healing, empowered by ancient wisdom and guided by an expert practitioner and intuitive healer, Kamela Hurley

There's just one problem...


  • Deeply Rooted Trauma: Inner child wounds often stem from experiences in early childhood, a critical period when one's foundational understanding of the world is being formed. These experiences can range from overt abuse to subtle emotional neglect. Because they occur so early in life, they deeply influence one’s worldview, self-perception, and behavior patterns.
  • Repression and Denial: Many people unconsciously repress painful childhood memories as a coping mechanism. This repression can make it hard to access and address these wounds later in life. Additionally, there's often a tendency to deny the impact of these experiences, especially if they don’t fit into one’s narrative of a “normal” or “happy” childhood.
  • Change in Self-Perception: Addressing inner child wounds might require one to reconsider their self-identity. This can be unsettling, as it may challenge long-held beliefs about oneself, one’s family, and the world.
  • Coping Mechanisms and Defense Strategies: Over the years, individuals develop coping mechanisms and defense strategies to deal with unhealed wounds. Letting go of these strategies, even if they are unhealthy, can be difficult because they have become deeply ingrained and may feel like integral parts of one’s personality.
  • Long and Non-Linear Process: The healing process is rarely linear. It often involves setbacks and can take much longer than expected, requiring patience and perseverance.

Here's the truth:

It doesn't have to be this way

Hypnotherapy can be an effective tool in assisting with the healing of inner child wounds due to its ability to access the subconscious mind, where many of these deep-seated issues reside. Here’s an overview of how hypnotherapy can facilitate this healing process:

1. Accessing the Subconscious: Inner child wounds often reside in the subconscious mind, formed during early childhood when the conscious mind was not fully developed. Hypnotherapy allows individuals to access these subconscious memories and emotions, which might be difficult to reach through conventional therapy or conscious introspection.

2. Creating a Safe Space for Healing: In a hypnotic state, individuals can feel more relaxed and open, creating a safe psychological space to explore painful memories. This state of heightened relaxation and focus can help individuals to confront difficult emotions without the overwhelming intensity that might be experienced in a fully conscious state.

3. Reframing and Reinterpreting Memories: Hypnotherapy can help individuals reinterpret and reframe past traumatic experiences. Under hypnosis, it’s possible to look at these experiences from a new perspective, often with a more compassionate and understanding viewpoint towards one’s younger self.

4. Emotional Release: Hypnotherapy can facilitate a cathartic release of pent-up emotions associated with childhood wounds, such as sadness, anger, or fear. Releasing these emotions is a crucial step in the healing process.

5. Inner Child Work: Specific techniques in hypnotherapy, like inner child work, involve directly communicating with and nurturing the inner child – the part of one's psyche that retains early childhood experiences. This can help in addressing unresolved emotions and conflicts from that period.

6. Reparenting the Inner Child: Through hypnotherapy, an individual can practice "reparenting," where they provide the comfort, reassurance, and support to their inner child that they might not have received in their actual childhood. This process helps to cultivate self-love and heal old emotional wounds.

7. Building Positive Associations: Hypnotherapists can guide individuals in creating new, positive associations with their past experiences. This can alter the way they perceive their childhood and reduce the impact of negative memories.

8. Integration and Empowerment: Hypnotherapy can help in integrating the healed inner child with the adult self, leading to greater wholeness and a sense of empowerment. It helps individuals understand how their past has shaped them without letting it control their present or future.

9. Guided Imagery and Suggestion: Hypnotherapy often uses guided imagery and positive suggestions to reinforce a sense of safety, self-worth, and positivity, crucial elements in healing inner child wounds.

10. Personalized Approach: As a skilled hypnotherapist, I can tailor the therapeutic experience to the individual’s specific needs, background, and personality, making the process deeply personal and more effective.



Here's an Sample Three-month Program Outline

Everything you need to achieve your goal



The first session focuses on orienting participants to the program and beginning the journey of self-discovery. It includes setting personal intentions, introducing core concepts of wellness and hypnotherapy, and starting the process of connecting with the inner child. Participants will engage in self-reflection exercises and begin exploring their sense of self and how it's been shaped by past experiences.


Emotional Release and Healing

The second session delves into identifying and understanding emotional blockages. Participants will learn to recognize how these blockages affect their lives and start hypnotherapy sessions aimed at emotional release. The focus will be on cultivating emotional resilience, understanding personal emotional landscapes, and beginning the journey of deep emotional healing.


Past Life Regression

In this third session, the program addresses past hardships and wounds and their influence on current behavior. Through group therapy and specialized hypnotherapy sessions, participants will confront and process past life regression. This period is crucial for healing and forgiveness, emphasizing self-compassion and the journey towards emotional liberation. One Month Coaching Concludes here.


Spirit Guides

This phase is centered on building self-esteem and independence. The sessions will focus on developing self-love, personal empowerment, and self-affirmation techniques. Participants will engage in activities that enhance decision-making skills and independence, reinforced through hypnotherapy sessions aimed at boosting confidence and self-reliance.


Manifestation and Future Self

In session five, the focuse is to introduce the principles of manifestation, guiding participants through visualization exercises to align with their future goals and desires. The focus will be on connecting with the future self and creating a manifestation roadmap. This stage is about setting a vision for the future and understanding the power of a positive, goal-oriented mindset.



The final session is dedicated to integrating the learning and growth from the program into daily life. It's a time to review personal transformations, share success stories, and plan for continuous growth post-program. The month concludes with a graduation ceremony, celebrating achievements and setting intentions for a future guided by the newfound skills and insights.

How does this sound?

Your life after taking this course...

Harmony Holistic: Unlocking Your Infinite Power program can help with transformative outcomes, chiefly marked by enhanced self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Participants can expect deep healing from past traumas and emotional blockages, leading to significant personal growth, especially in healing their inner child. This journey fosters improved self-esteem, confidence, and independence, essential for those recovering from co-dependency. Additionally, the program hones skills in effective goal setting and manifestation, aligning individuals with their true aspirations. Participants may also experience a reduction in mental health challenges like anxiety and depression and see improvements in chronic conditions. The program's impact extends to fostering healthier relationships, enhanced communication skills, and the tools for sustainable personal development. These varied benefits collectively contribute to a holistic enhancement of participants' personal and professional lives, ensuring long-lasting transformation.



"This is totally different. I thought I couldn't be hypnotized but this is not what you think it is!"

Dee Hurley, Hypnotherapy client
Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your payment plan:

One Month


  • Comprehensive and tailored approach addressing the whole person.
  • Exclusive access to resources, workbooks, and energetic attunements
  • Personalized Spiritual Wellness and growth strategies

Three Months


  • Comprehensive and tailored approach addressing the whole person.
  • Exclusive access to resources, workbooks, and energetic attunements
  • Access to Reiki for Energy Self-Healing-Includes REIKI Level 1 Attunement
  • Access to HARMONY 21: Transform Your Life in 21 Days
  • Personalized Spiritual Wellness and growth strategies

And there is more!

When you enroll, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1

Reiki Self Healing 

You will be attuned with the sacred symbols of healing by Kamela so that you can start a deeper healing daily practice that can create deeper levels of HARMONY!

Bonus #2

Guided Meditations

Get access to the Kamela Hurley App found on the Apple Store to access exclusive guided meditations for deep healing and encouragement.

Bonus #3

Personalized Wellness Plan

A comprehensive wellness plan developed through the program.

Plus a fast-action bonus

Muskoka Retreat 2024

RECEIVE AN EXCLUSIVE RETREAT INVITE:  Escape to the serene beauty of Muskoka, Canada, for an unforgettable weekend retreat where nature's tranquility meets soulful rejuvenation. Nestled amidst lush forests and alongside pristine lakes, this retreat offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. Unwind with morning yoga sessions overlooking the glistening waters, partake in guided meditative walks through the whispering pines, and engage in enriching workshops that inspire and invigorate. As evening falls, gather around a cozy bonfire for heartfelt conversations under a star-filled sky. Whether you're seeking to disconnect from the hustle of everyday life, reconnect with nature, or delve into personal growth, this Muskoka retreat is an idyllic sanctuary for peace, healing, and renewal.


Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Kamela Hurley


By embracing natural forms of healing, we can cultivate a profound transformation in our energy and overall well-being. The beliefs we hold play a pivotal role in shaping our mindset, emotions, and soul. Empowering beliefs have the ability to instill confidence, optimism, and an open-minded perspective within us. They enable us to perceive opportunities and possibilities, empowering us to take risks in pursuit of our goals.

Conversely, limiting beliefs can hinder our progress, leaving us feeling stagnant, fearful, and closed-minded. Such beliefs paint a picture of obstacles and limitations, often causing us to hesitate when it comes to taking action.


I've learned so much on this Journey...

My mission is to assist my clients in overcoming emotional blockages, transforming limiting beliefs, and harnessing their natural energy. Through this process, we address a wide range of challenges that clients may face, including health issues, career and wealth concerns, love and relationship matters, depression, anxiety, grief, and more. By focusing on natural forms of healing, we can unlock the potential for holistic improvement and create a positive impact in all areas of life.

This is possible for you too.

Your path to your goal


Click the JOIN NOW button to gain access to join HARMONY COACHING WITH MEDIUM KAMELA HURLEY 


After payment is received, you will get an opportunity to SCHEDULE your first session with Kamela. The first session consists of mediumship and energy healing. We also focus on goals for the program. 


Once accepted into the program, there is no need to way for launch dates. We will start to schedule sessions with you immediately. 


This is for you if:

  • Those Seeking Emotional Healing: Ideal for individuals wanting to heal from past traumas, including childhood wounds and emotional blockages.
  • People Battling Anxiety, Depression, or Chronic Inflammation: Beneficial for those looking for holistic approaches to manage and improve these conditions.
  • Anyone Interested in Personal Growth: Suitable for individuals eager to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal development.
  • Aspirants of Self-Improvement Techniques: For those interested in learning about and practicing manifestation, hypnotherapy, and wellness coaching.
  • Seekers of Spiritual Development: Individuals curious about or seeking deeper spiritual connection and understanding.
  • Professionals Looking for Stress Management Strategies: Ideal for professionals needing effective ways to manage stress and improve work-life balance.
  • People Seeking to Improve their Relationships: Beneficial for those aiming to enhance communication skills and build healthier, more balanced relationships.
  • Individuals Interested in Integrative Health Approaches: For those looking to combine traditional and holistic health practices for overall wellbeing.
  • Individuals Recovering from Co-dependency: Aimed at those looking to build independence and self-reliance after co-dependent relationships.

This isn't for you if:

  • If you aren't going to show up 
  • If you blame everyone else for your situation 
  • If you simply aren't going to try!
  • If you don't want to take responsibility for your life, actions, and results. 

Real talk, my friend

It's your time to do this thing you want to do.

If you're considering joining "The Limitless Code: Unlocking Your Infinite Power," here are some compelling reasons why this could be a transformative decision for you: 

Here's what's waiting for you on the other side:
  • Discover Your True Self: This program is a unique opportunity to explore and understand the deepest parts of yourself, leading to significant self-awareness and personal growth.

  • Heal and Move Forward: Address past traumas and emotional blockages in a supportive environment, paving the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future.

  • Gain Independence and Confidence: Especially beneficial for those recovering from co-dependency, it helps build self-reliance and boosts self-esteem, empowering you to stand strong independently.

  • Embrace a Holistic Wellness Approach: This program covers all aspects of well-being, from mental and emotional health to physical and spiritual balance, promoting overall wellness.

  • Create Sustainable Change: Learn strategies and skills that offer long-term benefits and continuous personal development, far beyond the program's conclusion.

  • Join a Supportive Community: Be part of a group that understands and shares your journey, offering mutual support, strength, and encouragement.

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from professional coaching and therapy, ensuring personalized support and effective growth.

  • Invest in Your Future: Joining this program is an investment in your well-being and happiness, a step towards living a more purposeful and liberated life.

    This is more than just a program; it's an opportunity to transform your life, embrace your potential, and start living with newfound freedom and purpose.

Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your payment plan:

One Month (Payment Plan)


3 Monthly Payments

  • Comprehensive and tailored approach addressing the whole person.
  • Exclusive access to resources, workbooks, and energetic attunements
  • Personalized Spiritual Wellness and growth strategies

Three Months (Payment Plan)


Three Monthly Payments

  • Comprehensive and tailored approach addressing the whole person.
  • Exclusive access to resources, workbooks, and energetic attunements
  • Access to Reiki for Energy Self-Healing-Includes REIKI Level 1 Attunement
  • Access to HARMONY 21: Transform Your Life in 21 Days
  • Personalized Spiritual Wellness and growth strategies

Are you ready to achieve this amazing result for your life?

This program is only for the beautiful souls that are commited to making incredible change happen in their life. When you invest in yourself, you are investing in your future and that impacts your family, friends, community, and the world.